somewhere over the rainbow

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


havent been blogging for some time. had been occupied with work and also the poster for my project. finally completed the poster yesterday, and the presentation will be on thursday. kind of nervous..will get through it somehow anyway. should be fine. i hope..

quite like my job..because of the field work part. once in a while i will have to go to the plantation in Port Dickson, away from the city, the cars, the buildings. be with the nature for a while. well it is true that other than oil palm trees, there are just still more of oil palm trees. nothing much. but i like the clear blue sky, and the peacefulness in the estate. just like to be away in the wild for a while. next week will be my first sampling. hope it will go well :)

hope the movie plan tomorrow will work. has been really quite some time since the last movie i watched, which was...the nightmare detective? just hope tomorrow i can catch the movie. have another movie in mind for thursday, after the presentation. yes desperate for some fun..need some rest and fun

might be going to Fraser's Hill on friday and saturday...but..just feel like staying at home. or maybe i should go and have some fresh air, and also some nice scenery. will decide when time comes

life is unpredictable. and i hate it at times. hate it


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