Saturday had a great time during the field trip :) we went to Kelana Jaya Lake, the peat swamp in Kuala Selangor and Sungai Kroh in FRIM (Forest Research Institute Malaysia, in Kepong, Selangor). went there and collected some physical data and water samples. will be looking for invertebrates in the water samples, see what kind of animals live in those places haha..just hope that there will be some in my samples. 4 samples all together, 2 from the peat swamps, 1 from the lake and 1 from the river. i think the river sample should be the best sample becos i got some professional help while me and my friend were collecting the sample hehe..thanks for the help :) hopefully i can make it for the field trip next week. i want to see the fireflies again hehehe
have been enjoying myself these days..quite occupied. time doesnt seem to be enough for me n my room is still in a mess :p got to settle it tonight. n start to focus on my studies. havent been revising. n there is a test coming up next week. haih...can i have more time? hahaha..dream on
actually i think i should considered myself really fortunate. i have family members who will always be there for me whenever i am in trouble (i can just reach them with a simple phone call when emergency really happens, and i can always be myself in front of them, no matter how my mood is), i have friends who do care about me (i mean really care, one way or another, no matter far or near me), i have seniors who are really nice to me (teach me this and that, help me here and there, sometimes let me bully them somemore hehe..and lately a senior actually offers to let me have her work. i didnt even ask. help drops from the sky :) how can i not appreciate my seniors?), i have juniors who are really nice to me also..i am really such a lucky girl. i should really appreciate what i have so far in my life. you know sometimes when you are sad or what, just think about all the nice things you have in life, all the nice chances that you have encountered and grabbed, all the nice people that you can go to and who will be there for you in one way or another..appreciate all these and believe me, your unhappiness will definitely reduce somehow, if not totally disappeared. should appreciate what you have in life
i think i better get started with my messy room. take care :)
have been enjoying myself these days..quite occupied. time doesnt seem to be enough for me n my room is still in a mess :p got to settle it tonight. n start to focus on my studies. havent been revising. n there is a test coming up next week. haih...can i have more time? hahaha..dream on
actually i think i should considered myself really fortunate. i have family members who will always be there for me whenever i am in trouble (i can just reach them with a simple phone call when emergency really happens, and i can always be myself in front of them, no matter how my mood is), i have friends who do care about me (i mean really care, one way or another, no matter far or near me), i have seniors who are really nice to me (teach me this and that, help me here and there, sometimes let me bully them somemore hehe..and lately a senior actually offers to let me have her work. i didnt even ask. help drops from the sky :) how can i not appreciate my seniors?), i have juniors who are really nice to me also..i am really such a lucky girl. i should really appreciate what i have so far in my life. you know sometimes when you are sad or what, just think about all the nice things you have in life, all the nice chances that you have encountered and grabbed, all the nice people that you can go to and who will be there for you in one way or another..appreciate all these and believe me, your unhappiness will definitely reduce somehow, if not totally disappeared. should appreciate what you have in life
i think i better get started with my messy room. take care :)
(evening after the field trip...taken while waiting for my cousin to come..he would turn into this road which is beside the sidegate of my uni and i would always be there waiting for him)
that's what i always do... and a cup of warm coffee always get me back to happYness again :)
||wach|n, at March 13, 2007 9:48 AM
*cheers* :)
wen, at March 13, 2007 12:00 PM
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