somewhere over the rainbow

Monday, November 27, 2006

movie freak

the number of movies i have watched so far since 10/11..

in cinema: 6
at home on tv: hmm at least 3..last night itself i watched 2, one after another
in my room watching those downloaded by my cousins: 3

rough total: 12 within 3 weeks. just nice, 1 dozen hehee

can really be called a movie freak already..but after i go home i wont be going to the cinema much anymore. leaving the house is not an easy housing area, no public transport yet, cant go far. n i need permisson to leave the house. never mind...make up when i m back in kl then :p

good luck to those who r starting their finals these few days :) all the best!


  • Hehe, I had a movie marathon when I was on my road trip. Saw... 5 movies in a week? Maybe more than that still...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at January 26, 2007 11:45 PM  

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